our services

Decolonization Program

The purpose of our Decolonization Program is to address and rectify colonial legacies, biases, and power imbalances within organizations and empower those within the organization to implement decolonial practices and processes in order to create a more equitable space for all.

Decolonization program: Partial Stream

Partial Stream: Step  1

Introduction to Decolonization Training Series

Decolonization must start with individual change to more effectively drive system change. In this 12-hour training series held over 2, 3, or 4 days, participants will learn how small changes can lead to a movement, and this is the first step. Participants will also learn about how Canada has been built on a cracked foundation. We connect the dots of past and present so that non-Indigenous Canadians can have a deeper understanding of how we got to where we are, and the realities that Indigenous people face.

By the end of this series, participants will benefit from shifting perspectives and gain some tools to implement Decolonization in their personal and professional lives.

Decolonization Program: Full Stream

Full Stream

Introduction to Decolonization Training Series

Decolonization must start with individual change to more effectively drive system change. In this 12-hour training series held over 2, 3, or 4 days, participants will learn how small changes can lead to a movement, and this is the first step. Participants will also learn about how Canada has been built on a cracked foundation. We connect the dots of past and present so that non-Indigenous Canadians can have a deeper understanding of how we got to where we are, and the realities that Indigenous people face.

By the end of this series, participants will benefit from shifting perspectives and gain some tools to implement Decolonization in their personal and professional lives.

Full Stream

Decolonization Audit

An internal audit of policies, procedures, website, social media accounts, and more. During this audit, we identify barriers of all kinds (including, but not limited to: racial, cultural, classist, ableist, fatphobic, and homo- and transphobic barriers) and offer solutions and recommendations that help make your organization and its procedures accessible for all people; after all, what’s good for Indigenous people is good for everyone.

Decolonization program: Add-Ons

optional add-on: Skill Development

Land Acknowledgements

In this Land Acknowledgements course, we delve into the discourse surrounding land acknowledgements. Participants will analyze existing land acknowledgements, explore Indigenous-land relations, and distinguish between performative and impactful acknowledgments.

By the trainings’s conclusion, each participant will craft a unique, impactful Land Acknowledgment.

optional add-on: Skill Development

Decolonizing Communications

This workshop addresses how English, as a tool shaped by white supremacy and colonization, has influenced communication dynamics. Participants will explore the impact of language on worldview and cultural understanding. Building on the foundational communication education from our Introduction to Decolonization series, this session provides a deeper examination of communication strategies. It aims to enhance participants’ ability to engage in Decolonized conversations and fosters an awareness of the power dynamics embedded in language.

The course equips participants with practical approaches for respectful and inclusive communication in the context of decolonization.

optional add-on: Consultation

Follow-Up Q&A Session 

Following the Introduction to Decolonization Training Series, participants engage in a dynamic question and answer session aimed at deepening understanding and clarifying concepts discussed during the workshop. Questions may range from inquiries about the practical application of Decolonization in various contexts to discussions on confronting structurally-embedded advantages and challenging dominant narratives. We suggest sending any burning questions in advance so our facilitators are able to adequately prepare for the direction of discussion. Questions from the floor are also welcome.

optional add-on: Consultation

Ongoing Consultation

We offer ongoing consultation to current clients; these consultations encourage an open exchange of ideas, fostering a collaborative learning environment where 1-4 staff members can meet with our team to debrief, ask for advice, challenge assumptions, explore complexities, and collectively envision pathways toward Decolonized futures. Ongoing consulting is a renewed commitment to continued learning and action, as staff leave inspired to integrate Decolonial principles into their personal and professional lives.


Don’t just take Our Word For It

“Rhiannon and Andrea were easy to communicate with and provided a very comfortable environment for our team to engage in difficult discussions.  The historical lessons were eye opening, and the overall presentation was well planned and thoughtfully delivered.” 

Adam Mills

Sales & Marketing Director, Four Winds Brewery

“The workshop facilitated by Rhiannon and Andrea was a meaningful way for the international participants in the Youth Peace Network to learn about the true history of Canada, and sparked conversations about reconciliation and Decolonisation efforts around the world. It was exciting to see the solidarity forming in the group. I am grateful that the facilitators were able to skillfully hold space for brave and challenging conversations, and highly recommend their workshops.”

Aida Mwanzia

Coordinator, Youth Exchanges Canada & Youth Peace Network, Global Initiatives & Youth Engagement YMCA

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